A journey of discovery...

Bilha Nangolo's Solar Odyssey with Olusheno...

Denzil Links

In the dynamic neighborhood of Exumaxuma, within the Ongwediva Constituency, Bilha Nangolo emerges as a catalyst for positive transformation. As a retailer with Olusheno Sales & Distribution (Pty) Ltd since 2023, Ms. Nangolo has not only embraced the trans-formative power of solar energy but has woven it into the fabric of her community through her venture, yaNangolo Investment cc.

From Customer to Retailer: A Journey of Discovery

Bilha Nangolo's journey with Olusheno commenced in 2023 when she acquired her first solar kit. Little did she know that this initial interaction would kindle a profound love for Olusheno's solar home systems. This affection culminated in her decision to not only endorse but become an integral part of the Olusheno family as a retailer.

YaNangolo Investment: A Catalyst for Community Well-being

At the heart of Exumaxuma, yaNangolo Investment cc is more than a business; it's a lifeline for the community. Bilha Nangolo, through her establishment, offers an array of daily essentials, including sanitary products, food, and the trans-formative d.light solar kits. Her vision extends beyond being a retailer; it's about enriching lives and ensuring her community's well-being.

Embracing Olusheno's Radiance

Bilha Nangolo's journey as a retailer is marked by a sense of fulfillment and the hope for a prosperous and extensive career with Olusheno. The allure of Olusheno's solar solutions goes beyond the tangible products; it resonates with a profound feeling of safety and financial security that Ms.Nangolo wishes to share with her community.

A Call to Illuminate More Lives

Ms.Nangolo's radiant endorsement of Olusheno is not exclusive to her establishment; it's an invitation to her surrounding areas. Her advocacy for Olusheno Sales & Distribution (Pty) Ltd stems from a genuine belief in the positive impact it can have on households and communities.

Safety, Security, and Financial Freedom

Much like countless others who have experienced the embrace of Olusheno's solar home system, Bilha Nangolo revels in the safety and financial stability it provides. Beyond being a retailer, she is a custodian of a brighter, more secure future for those who choose to embrace Olusheno's radiant offerings.

In the evolving landscape of Exumaxuma, yaNangolo Investment cc is more than a business entity. It's a conduit for positive change, a space where the brilliance of Olusheno's solar home system meets the daily needs of a community. As Ms.Nangolo continues to illuminate lives, her journey stands as a testament to the trans-formative power of Olusheno in Namibia.

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