Our Blog

Here's more about how our solar systems can change your life too!

Wow! Olusheno is well known for its solar system distribution, but are you ready to upgrade to the smartphone life? 📱

Wow! Olusheno is well known for its solar system distribution, but are you ready to upgrade to the smartphone life? 📱 Olusheno now offers two amazing Samsung Galaxy smartphones on a flexible payment plan!

Moses Tangeni Moses
  February 2025   187 views

Olusheno: Bringing payment options right on the palm of your hand

We’re thrilled to announce a new, convenient payment method with MTC MARIS! What is MTC MARIS? MTC MARIS is a mobile money transfer and payment service available to all Namibians. With it, you can now easily pay for Olusheno services and much more.

Moses Tangeni Moses
  January 2025   1480 views

PayPulse now accepts Olusheno payments!

Another easy way to make your payment

Immo Böhm
  September 2020   2785 views