Our Blog

Here's more about how our solar systems can change your life too!

Shipi FM Broadcasting Interviews

Olusheno is proud to announce the joining of hands with one of it's local radio station “Shipi FM “!

Moses Tangeni Moses
November 2020   2115 views

Tate Andreas fixed Table, Monte Cristo Shoprite

Olusheno is proud to present one of its local fixed tables “Tate Andreas table” situated in Windhoek, Katutura upon your entrance to Shoprite Monte Cristo store.

Moses Tangeni Moses
November 2020   2184 views

Petrina’s fixed table, Ondangwa, next to Finland cash loan

Olusheno would like to welcome on board it’s fixed table based in Ondangwa, next to Finland cash loan, in the same complex as FNB main branch.

Moses Tangeni Moses
November 2020   2331 views

Ondangwa Experience Centre Retailer Outlets

OEC is an Olusheno experience retailer outlet which is subjected to cater for clients need in the northern region of Namibia🇳🇦.

Moses Tangeni Moses
October 2020   2681 views

New partnership with Exodus Investements CC Retail Outlets

Olusheno is keen to uplift and partner up with all the local retail outlet to bring its services at the door steps of its clients.

Moses Tangeni Moses
October 2020   2110 views

We're open in Ombafi Village, 10 km from Outapi to Ogongo!

Visit Katutura Mini Market in Ombafi!

Immo Böhm
September 2020   2488 views

Presenting our retail partnership with New Horizons Internet cafe in Okakarara!

A central store for our customers in Okakarara

Immo Böhm
September 2020   2008 views

New retail outlet partnership with Tangi Ndapewa Take Away!

A new opportunity for our customers in Katutura

Immo Böhm
September 2020   1992 views

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