Our Blog
Here's more about how our solar systems can change your life too!
Blue Palace Trading Enterprise Retail Outlets
Great news to the people of Gibeon, as Olusheno extend it's legacy on uplifting the community and delivering light through signing up with our local retail outlets in our community.
Moses Tangeni Moses
Norway Bar Retail Outlet
Olusheno is a national Namibian solar system company which is driven to extend it's retail footprint with outlets within our communities to deliver affordable clean light to everyone .
Moses Tangeni Moses
Olusheno is a Namibian solar powered company which is driven to uplift and change lives in every possible way.
Moses Tangeni Moses
Blessing Shop Retail Outlets
Olusheno is a Namibian solar powered company which is driven to bring light in our communities. Olusheno is glad to welcome on board one of our Namibian local retail "Blessing Shop".
Moses Tangeni Moses
D.light S2 & A1 lantern donation!
Olusheno is a community based company which driven to mitigate the basic light diffences in everyone life's through out the country.
Moses Tangeni Moses
Olusheno First YouTube Video
Olusheno has decided to join one of the world biggest social media platform in the fight to bring basic light to the masses!
Moses Tangeni Moses
Miss Aili Kalunde Fixed Table
Olusheno is happy to welcome on board "Miss Aili Kalunde " fixed table which's located beside Choppies Center Omuthiya!
Moses Tangeni Moses
Olusheno first Kiosk Retail Shop
Three years back Olusheno invented it's first Kiosk, which was base in Ombili, Windhoek, Khomas region, Namibia!
Moses Tangeni Moses
Iyaloo Restaurant Retail Shop
Olusheno believes the power to transform the community is within the community itself!
Moses Tangeni Moses
Tulina Hair Salon & Boutique Retail Outlets
Olusheno is happy to announce and welcome a new family member on board Ms Lineekela Nanyome with her Retail Shop "Tulina Hair Salon & Boutique".
Moses Tangeni Moses
Shipi FM Broadcasting Interviews
Olusheno is proud to announce the joining of hands with one of it's local radio station “Shipi FM “!
Moses Tangeni Moses
Tate Andreas fixed Table, Monte Cristo Shoprite
Olusheno is proud to present one of its local fixed tables “Tate Andreas table” situated in Windhoek, Katutura upon your entrance to Shoprite Monte Cristo store.
Moses Tangeni Moses
Petrina’s fixed table, Ondangwa, next to Finland cash loan
Olusheno would like to welcome on board it’s fixed table based in Ondangwa, next to Finland cash loan, in the same complex as FNB main branch.
Moses Tangeni Moses
Ondangwa Experience Centre Retailer Outlets
OEC is an Olusheno experience retailer outlet which is subjected to cater for clients need in the northern region of Namibia🇳🇦.
Moses Tangeni Moses
New partnership with Exodus Investements CC Retail Outlets
Olusheno is keen to uplift and partner up with all the local retail outlet to bring its services at the door steps of its clients.
Moses Tangeni Moses
We're open in Ombafi Village, 10 km from Outapi to Ogongo!
Visit Katutura Mini Market in Ombafi!
Immo Böhm
PayPulse now accepts Olusheno payments!
Another easy way to make your payment
Immo Böhm
Presenting our retail partnership with New Horizons Internet cafe in Okakarara!
A central store for our customers in Okakarara
Immo Böhm
New retail outlet partnership with Tangi Ndapewa Take Away!
A new opportunity for our customers in Katutura
Immo Böhm
Case Study: Helena Kanadjembo & Ignatius Shangala
Longtime customers share their experience!
Immo Böhm